I do have it all figured out.

“It feels like you have it all figured out!”

Just wrapped up an interview with the amazing @Sara Whipp for her FemmeFluent summit and when she said those words to me, instead of shrinking or being modest, I OWNED it. πŸ‘πŸ»

Because here’s the thing – I do have it all figured out.

✨ I always get what I want (and if I haven’t, it’s because it’s in process or something better is coming).

✨ My life feels so good (I don’t do things I don’t want to do or that don’t feel good. No obligations or sucking it up bc that’s what a good mom or wife does πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ).

✨ My family is happy, healthy, connected and fun (we just spent 6 weeks adventuring in our camper, aside from my “Mama Needs a Target Break” solo dates which I took whenever I needed hahaha)

✨ My 10 yr. marriage is hot, supportive and unlimited (my sexy, incredible husband is stepping up in the biggest way right now and I am so proud and excited for him!!!).

✨ I love my friends! (It took a long time to stop feeling lonely and outcast, but I let my freak flag fly fully and my people have found me and love me and it’s the best!)

✨ My business is in an exciting new place, I’m having such interesting exploratory conversations and opportunities coming my way (#realtalk that I’m having an income dip during this pivot and I celebrate that I am safe and supported to choose to slow down in order to speed up later. I call this the Slingshot Effect – ask me about how it works!)

✨ We are abundant (our earning potential has no cap, we have everything we need, we own real estate, we invest, I buy whatever I want… even though I love discount shopping, my local Buy Nothing group, and there are months when things feel uncertain or tight #entrepreneurlife)

Every day I wake up with a clean slate, excited for the possibility of my day. I’m free.

And there was a time I’d be scared to admit all of this, because I didn’t want anyone to hate me.

But I’m just going first – so you can see what it’s like – and you can step into the possibility for yourself too.

You get to have a life and marriage and motherhood experience around what works for your own unique needs and desires.

Not what you’re supposed to do or achieve or be.

Not the status quo of how most women sigh and suffer with “good enough”.

If you want to experience the pleasure of living a deeply satisfied life,

Here’s my free gift for you:

I do have it all figured out.

Need more support?

π—–π—Όπ—Ίπ—Ίπ—²π—»π˜ 𝗼𝗿 𝗗𝗠 𝗺𝗲 “π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—™π—œπ—Ÿπ—Ÿπ—˜π——” so you can learn more about my Wildly Successful Womanβ„’ program, where I’ll show you how to turn on your inner magic and stop blocking yourself from getting absolutely everything you want in your relationship.

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