Want to “have it all” in life, love, career and family… but you think things like: “You can’t have it all – you have to compromise to make things work.” “If I’m going to have to do more, count me out – I’m already doing too much + I’m tired.” “I can’t just run off and do whatever I want to do! I have responsibilities.” “If I don’t take care of it, nobody else will. Life doesn’t work that way.” “Women just have to deal with so much sh*t.”
Then this podcast is for you! In Women Healing, you’re going to learn how to drop all the limiting beliefs and energetic weights that keep you stuck, so you can have *everything* you’ve ever wanted with your man, money, marriage, motherhood and more – on your terms without being or doing it all, and only doing what truly feels good and expansive for you.
Check out the latest episode here:
Past Episodes

Meet Your host
Michelle Keinan
The Have It All Queen