Get Free- Episode 1

Welcome to the Women Healing podcast, a place to discover what you want, believe you can have it, and have the best time ever embodying your “OF COURSE!” energy and getting it. 

On this podcast, I’m going to teach you how to identify + own what you really want in your life, relationships, career, motherhood – all the things – and how you get to experience life, as you release the blocks and everything in the way of you prioritizing your pleasure, fulfillment and inspiration.

Together, we’re going to explore and answer the best question that is going to change your life: How GOOD does it get to be (for me + the people I love) when I truly honor myself and what I want every day?

The answer will definitely surprise and delight you!

If you’re ready to have it all – on your terms – while feeling amazing every day, head over to for next steps!

Meet me over on Instagram at @michellekeinan + pop in my DMs to say hi!

If you want to hang out with a group of amazing women who are owning who they are + claiming everything they ever wanted, come join me in my community on Facebook.


Season 1: Ep 1- Get Free!

Intro: Welcome to the Women Healing Podcast! A place to discover the power of who you are, what you want and have the most fun having it all on your terms without doing it all so you feel wildly successful in every area of your life. My name is Michelle Keinan I’m a somatic therapist neural linguistic programming practitioner and wild, feminine embodiment coach, and it’s time to set yourself free so that the world and your man always give you what you want or even better than you can possibly imagine. here’s how:

Welcome to the Women Healing podcast. My name is Michelle Keinan and we are about to have so much fun and that might be surprising for some of you listening because when you think about healing you might be thinking about heavy shit about things being hard about old pain about stuff that’s getting in your way and yeah absolutely that is a big part of healing, but I’m here to show you how fun it gets to be and how powerful you get to feel and honestly how good your experience can be as you let go of everything that is getting in your way and give yourself full permission to have it all on your terms without needing to do it all or be at all or put any pressure or stress on yourself And this is really important because when I look around at women today, most women are struggling most women are suffering through things that don’t actually feel good for you that you don’t wanna do that you think you have to do in order to be a good woman or a good wife, or a good mom or a good daughter and what this podcast is all about is teaching you how to drop the shades and let go of the pressure and the expectation to be good so that you can embody exactly who you are and who you wanna be and how you wanna feel and claim all of the things that you want so that your life, your relationship your career, your family your experience in the world is one where you get to play and you get to have fun and you get to have absolutely everything that you want. Well also feeling your best And inspiring and inviting everyone around you to rise up to elevate and to meet you in this new place of power and possibility and fun, so before we move forward, who am I who is this crazy lady that is telling you that actually things get to be really fun and feel really good and don’t have to be so hard or so. Scary well, my name is Michelle Keinan I am a wild feminine embodiment coach and I use somatic therapy neural linguistic programming practices in child healing, shadow, work, movement dance and feminine energy to help powerful women like you and like my clients have absolutely everything that you want in your lives while embodying the power of who you are so that you’re able to break out of this collective spell that is telling you that you can’t have what you want and that if you do you’re gonna have to Compromise and you’re gonna have to give things up and that you’re gonna have to feel guilty or stress out or accept less than what you really want and if you’re hearing me say all this and your whole body is like me too I don’t want any woman to have this limiting belief in her life that what you want isn’t possible or that you’re gonna have to give up something in yourself or in your desire in order to make it real because I see what’s possible for every woman without the BS that’s holding you back without you keeping yourself small so that you can be the most powerful version of yourself as you set yourself free on who you truly are and claim what you want while having the most fun and this is super super important right like Does anybody ever tell you it gets to be so fun or the more fun you have the better and the easier things can be right. When you hear healing, you might think it’s heavy or you might think that there’s a lot of struggle or you’re gonna have to do a lot of things and usually the opposite is true right I mean you’re so used to doing things that you don’t wanna do, you’re so used to agreeing to things that don’t fully satisfy you or don’t fully light you up you’re so used to saying yes when you really want to say no and feeling like you can’t say no or else people are going to judge you, or criticize you, or think less of you, and nothing can be farther from the truth, because in order to truly heal, you’re gonna have to own all the parts of you the parts that you like and also the parts that you might not like and you’re gonna need to learn how to integrate and how to hold space for all of that in you know what do I mean by that well if you’re a human being and you’re listening to this podcast, you probably have the experience of being raised by people or existing in a society that tells you that there’s a lot of stuff wrong with you that you need to change and if you use this energy if you use this belief that there’s something wrong with you as the fuel to fix things or make things better guess what you’re gonna be stuck in problem-solving mode all the time and it’s never going to feel like you’re successful and it’s never gonna feel like you’re moving forward because it’s just gonna feel like there’s problem after problem that you have to deal with, and you’re sort of treading water, and sort of stuck in the same place but when you can get clear on what you want and why Without guilt, shame or blame, and when you can get out of your head and into your body and reconnect with a power inside of you but I want you to say fuck that to all that noise fuck that to everything that doesn’t feel good to you. Fuck that everything that’s keeping you small and telling you that there’s one way to do things when in your heart, and in your soul, and in your body, you know that’s just not true, and that’s the thing. Most women are forcing themselves to do and live and act in a way that doesn’t actually align with who you are and what you want And then you are shamed and blamed not just by other people but truly by yourself when you don’t fit in and for me, healing is so much more than fixing our problems healing means owning what you want and giving yourself the freedom to claim it owning who you are and loving yourself in the mess and also in the magic so that things are always going your way and you always feel good about yourself even when they’re struggles, and even when shits hitting the fan cause that’s part of life but what most of us do is we turn energetically against ourselves? We believe that there’s something wrong with us we believe that the way that we want things is incorrect and that we’re problematic and when we’re operating from this energy when that subconscious belief is running the show that means that we actually never step into our full power and this is a huge Issue. That’s why I’m doing this podcast. This is my mission. I want every woman to own who she is, I want you to feel fucking confident and who you are to trust yourself and to trust what you want so that you can to step out of a system whether it’s a societal system that is not working for you and your family or whether it’s a belief system that exist inside of you that makes you feel bad about who you are and what you know is true and good for you and for your family and for your career for your life and build what you want and what feels good for you and what aligns with you energetically and the future that you desire the money that you desire the experience of motherhood if you have kids that you desire the life that you desire because here’s the thing most of us don’t realize that we can do that so if you’re listening to this and you’re like, I am so ready to have it all and feel really good every day without compromising ever then go to to dive in and get started OK back to the show a big part of what I’m gonna be sharing with you in this podcast are really simple and actionable tools that you can use to feel empowered to feel confident to feel like you have deep. Trust in yourself to feel like you can be in your most magical energy whether it is in your relationship or when you look in the mirror but those tools don’t matter if I don’t help you identify the patterns and dynamics in your life and relationships that are keeping you from having what you want or even believing that it’s possible so you’re gonna hear a lot of conversation that’s gonna open your mind and make you Question why you believe certain things or that you feel like you have to do certain things in certain ways so that you can step out of that system, you can step out of those limitations, and feel confident and excited and trust in your self, and in your inner guidance system, and as a powerful woman in the world today in my mission is to help every woman create an unbreakable relationship with her desire, and to trust that your desires are leading you to where you need to go, both in terms of you getting all of the things that you want, but also giving you the opportunity to become the amazing woman, that you desire to be to make the choices that reflect the life that you wanna live that allow you to feel the way that you wanna feel that allow you to love the way that you wanna love and relationship the way that you wanna relationship and you wanna keep saying that you want that you want that you Want this is gonna be your new man. This is what I ask every client when we first start working together. I ask her what do you want and the truth is a lot of women they don’t know how to answer that right if I ask you that question right now what do you want half of you listening or probably like oh I know what I want but the other half of your like I don’t really know but the truth is that you do know you’re just too afraid to say it out loud because what if it doesn’t happen or what if you get really disappointed and first of all, I want to say that it’s so normal, and it’s OK because in our society we have been cut away from our desire we’ve been taught to distrust the things that we want to distrust ourselves to stop listening to that inner voice that is there to guide us towards living our best life, but we’re gonna rebuild that relationship if you were going to reconnect with that voice inside of you and it is going to change Your life because once you get clear on what you want, it’s just a matter of doing all the easiest simplest most fun most exciting things that you want to do again, none of the shit that you don’t wanna do in order to get you there so I’m gonna expand what you think is possible for you and get you excited about making it real real in your life in the way that feels best for you and that is the second most important question that I asked my client it’s how do you want to feel because I don’t care what you want. It doesn’t matter what you want if the tactics and the energy and the way that you treat yourself and the people around you to get to that goal Don’t feel good and don’t align with a person that you wanna be and so for those of you that are like I don’t actually know what I want. No problem because let’s start with how you wanna feel in reverse engineer everything in your life so that it is either bringing you more of that feeling or that it will removing the things that are blocking you from having that and that’s when you become unstoppable that’s when you feel in total alignment in total flow like a lot of my clients are like it feels like the wheel of Fortune and the wheel is spinning and I’m just waiting for it to land on something else that I want where things just happened and it feels like magic right I know we all have people in our life for like damn how does she always get all the things that she wants that’s possible for you too Once you stop fighting against yourself once you stop denying yourself the things that you know are true and right and good for you once you raise your standards once you start setting healthy boundaries that feel really good and get you what you want including the respect of the people around you on all levels because here’s the thing if you’re compromising and you’ll learn that I hate compromising I’m gonna talk about this in another episode compromise is just like why would you ever want less? Why would you ever want to agree to say no to the things that you want and to meet in the middle when you don’t get what you want when the other person doesn’t get what they want like compromises such a killer, such an energetic, buzz killer and yet most women right I was taught my whole life you just got a compromise. You just got a compromise hell no no compromise situations because I wanna show you how to have a life where you get absolutely everything That you want and it doesn’t take away from anybody else in fact, invites others to get everything that they want to invites everything in your life to step up and be even better than you can possibly imagine so I’m so glad that you’re here if you can’t tell I’m really excited my energy is and I wanna hear from you. This is the first episode. I definitely want to hear what you wanna learn more about what you’re excited about what Megas you had and the best place to reach me is on Instagram you can find me at Michelle Keinan shoot me a DM. Let me know that you let me know what you’re excited for if I could answer any questions and honestly if you would just send me a message to be like I’m ready to have it all Girl that would just thrill me and make me just so excited because nothing would make me happier than being surrounded by women that own that that known that that are in that vibe because this is a freaking movement. This is a change of women being satisfied of having absolute everything that we want and we don’t need to fight to get it, we don't need to fight the system, we don't need to fight our partners we don’t need to fight against ourselves. In fact, we get to step into our most delicious energy our energy of desire of play of turn on of how good does it get to feel how good do I get to feel And watch out everything in our life lines and fall into place because we are so aligned because we feel so good because we are ready to open up and receive and have absolutely everything so if you’re in, shoot me a message and stay tuned for a free gift from me on how you can have absolutely everything right now. Thank you so much for being here and listening to the pod if you’re ready to have it all while feeling absolutely amazing every day because of course it gets to be this good for you and every woman on the planet then go to for a free gift for me and some juicy next steps and if you’re feeling this mission that every woman is truly fulfilled and gets to live play work love and enjoy her family and life in the way that’s healthy expensive exciting and fun it really helps if you write a review and share This with your friends because our goal is to reach over 1 million women and change what they think it’s possible for their lives so write review or share with your friends thanks so much for listening and I’ll see you next time.